Category Archives: Gaming

RIP Gary Gygax

RIP Dungeon Master.

Ernest Gary Gygax (July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008 ) was an American writer and game designer, best known for co-creating the pioneering role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with Dave Arneson, and co-founding the company Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) with Don Kaye in 1974. Gygax is generally acknowledged as the father of the role-playing game.

D&D Basic Set

Candy Crush

We all know that ONE person!

We all know that ONE person!

Jenga Kitty

Jenga Kitty

Chainmail Chess Set

Chainmail Chess Set

Happy Birthday, Diablo

On November 30, 1996… we all heard Griswald say, “Hello” for the first time.

Diablo Cover

November 30, 1996 –

Happy Birthday, Atari 2600!

Atari 2600

October 14, 1977

Wikipedia Link

Happy Birthday, Gary Gygax!

Ernest Gary Gygax (July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008 ) was an American writer and game designer, best known for co-creating the pioneering role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with Dave Arneson, and co-founding the company Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) with Don Kaye in 1974. Gygax is generally acknowledged as the father of the role-playing game.

D&D Basic Set



RIP Gary Gygax

RIP Dungeon Master.

Ernest Gary Gygax (July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008 ) was an American writer and game designer, best known for co-creating the pioneering role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with Dave Arneson, and co-founding the company Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) with Don Kaye in 1974. Gygax is generally acknowledged as the father of the role-playing game.

D&D Basic Set

Happy Birthday, Diablo

On November 30, 1996… we all heard Griswald say, “Hello” for the first time.
Diablo Cover

November 30, 1996 -

Happy Birthday, Atari 2600!

Atari 2600

October 14, 1977

Wikipedia Link

Happy Birthday, Gary Gygax!

Ernest Gary Gygax (July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008 ) was an American writer and game designer, best known for co-creating the pioneering role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with Dave Arneson, and co-founding the company Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) with Don Kaye in 1974. Gygax is generally acknowledged as the father of the role-playing game.

D&D Basic Set

The Dragons have reclaimed one of their own.

Diablo III Coming May 15th!

Diablo III Presale

RIP Gary Gygax

RIP Dungeon Master.

Ernest Gary Gygax (July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008 ) was an American writer and game designer, best known for co-creating the pioneering role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with Dave Arneson, and co-founding the company Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) with Don Kaye in 1974. Gygax is generally acknowledged as the father of the role-playing game.

D&D Basic Set

Happy Birthday, Diablo

On November 30, 1996… we all heard Griswald say, “Hello” for the first time.
Diablo Cover

November 30, 1996 -

Diablo III Collector’s Edition Announced

Diabo III Collector's Edition

Gamers are still wondering when in the wild, wild world of sports will Diablo III will be released. Developer Blizzard claims they are in the home stretch of finishing the action-RPG sequel that was first announced over three years ago. However there is a hopeful sign that the game is getting closer to becoming a reality. During BlizzCon this weekend Blizzard announced plans to release a Collector’s Edition of the game.

This version of the PC/Mac game will have lots more than the game itself. It will also have a lot of extras. One is a 4 GB Flash drive that will contain a free version of the last game in the series, Diablo II, along with its expansion pack. The Flash drive comes in the shape of a soulstone that can be put into an included base that looks like the Diablo skull. It’s perfect for gamers who need something to show others how geeky …. er, dedicated they are to Blizzard’s creations.

Other extras in the Collector’s Edition include a two disk Blu-Ray/DVD set that goes behind the scenes of the game’s creation (after all this development time it should be pretty extensive) along with a 200 page art book, the game’s soundtrack on CD and some exclusive in-game content.

A Gem From the ‘Net

Gazebo ('nuff said)

Gazebo ('nuff said)

Thanks, Mr. Gartin

The Wii U, Nintendo’s new console

Coming in 2012, the new Wii U!

In addition to the new console, and updated hardware… check out the controller with the 6.2 integrated screen!  So, when your family wants to play, and you want to watch Dancing with the Stars, they can play… and you can watch, with ONE TV!  (Like anyone else but me only has one TV in the house)

The Wii U will be compatible with all current-gen accessories and software… so what you have now will work with the new unit… cool!

And, finally, the Wii is going HD!  The fact sheet from Nintendo states that the Wii U can pump out 1080p video over HDMI.  It’ll also be compatible with component, S-video and composite cables.  There’ll be “internal flash memory” of unspecified quantity, which will be expandable via either an SD card or external USB HDD. IBM is, as with the original Wii, once again responsible for providing the processor inside.  Four USB 2.0 slots are made available, while game media will be served up on “proprietary high-density optical discs.”  There’s also another, worthwhile, reminder that the Wii U will play Wii games and their optical discs without a problem.

Wii U Console

Wii U ControllerWii U Combined imageWii U example graphics